Online Therapy for Writers

Perfectionism and anxiety are keeping you from the writing practice you crave.

I get it. You care about what you’re creating and you want it to be perfect. That perfectionism is holding you back though.

Let’s free up some mental space so you can get back to creating.

You don’t need to abandon your craft.

You don’t need to use methods that don’t work for you.

You need a clear path toward quieting perfectionism so that you can get back to writing.

I know what it’s like to sit down to start working on your next project, meanwhile your dog starts barking (seemingly at the wind), your doctor’s office is calling, and you realize you forgot your breakfast on the stove (yup, it’s definitely burnt). So much for a picture-perfect writing environment.

I’m here to show you what’s like to get rid of perfectionism so you can spend more time writing.

image of halle thomas therapist for writers in colorado and oregon

The Process

  • Image of the number one. Photo for therapy for writers in boulder colorado.

    Book Your Free Call

    All it takes is 10 minutes to confirm that I’m the best fit for you.

  • Image of the number two. Photo for therapy for writers in boulder colorado.

    Your First Session

    I ask you everything I need to know about how perfectionism and anxiety are getting in the way of your writing.

  • Image of the number three. Photo for therapy for writers in boulder colorado.

    Get a Custom Plan

    I’ll share the steps we’ll cover each week to clear perfectionism and anxiety from your writing practice.

  • Image of the number four. Photo for therapy for writers in boulder colorado.

    Work Through It

    We’ll meet weekly and start removing perfectionism and anxiety so that you can have a sustainable writing practice.

halle thomas therapist for writers boulder colorado

If You’re Ready To:

  • Have scheduled time for writing on your calendar each week

  • Submit your writing for publication

  • Query agents (and work your way toward a publishing deal)

  • Apply for a writing residency

  • Stop comparing your writing practice to other people’s

Therapy for Writers FAQs

  • If you have multiple works in progress gathering dust (either on a shelf, in your mind, or on your computer), or if you feel like you’d be better off abandoning your craft all together, therapy for writers an very likely help you.

    You deserve a creative practice that isn’t stalled by perfectionism and anxiety. I can show you the way.

  • Writers are my main focus, but I'm always happy to work with creatives in other disciplines. If you're an actor, sculptor, painter, dancer, or any other creative, you're welcome to reach out to see if I'll be a good fit for you.