Online Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety is keeping you from showing up to work without feeling like you’re going to be sick in a matter of seconds.

One minute, you’re killing it in an all-company presentation. Then you’re going off-camera to cry because you feel like your heart might actually explode.

I get you, because I used to be you. You won’t be stuck here forever.

You don’t need to be told it’s all in your head.

You can’t take another sleepless night.

You need a clear path away from anxiety so you stop questioning whether or not you need to use one of your sick days at work.

At its best, anxiety is a normal stress response that can keep us safe — but other times it can hold us back in not-so-subtle ways.

If you were being chased by a bear, you’d want your anxiety to kick in to get your feet moving (preferably away from the bear). But there’s no bear in your work calls. There’s no bear in the meetings with your higher-ups. So why does it feel like there is?

When you struggle with anxiety, your brain processes stressors as if every single one were potentially life-threatening.

This can show up in your body as:

  • Stomach pains that only happen before a meeting at work

  • The sensation of being on the verge of tears at any given moment

  • Your heartbeat speeding up the moment someone asks you a question related to a project you’re working on

halle thomas anxiety therapist in colorado

The Process

  • Book Your Free Call

    We’ll chat for 10 minute to see if I’m the best fit for you

  • Your First Session

    I ask you everything I need to know about how your experience with anxiety.

  • Get a Custom Plan

    I’ll share the steps we’ll cover each week to address anxiety.

  • Work Through It

    We’ll meet weekly and start practicing new techniques to reduce anxiety.

image of halle thomas anxiety therapist sitting at their desk

You’re a millennial professional who’s ready to:

  • Slow down the constant stream of anxious thoughts

  • Feel confident in your ability to make a decision

  • Stop fearing that you’ll make a catastrophic mistake

  • Feel calm and settled within your body

  • Stop rehearsing what you want to say during work meetings hundreds of times

  • Show up to work meetings feeling grounded

  • Turn off work-mode in your brain so you can enjoy the other parts of your life

Therapy for Anxiety FAQs

  • Research shows that the best indicator of positive outcomes in therapy is how you feel about your therapist not the kind of therapy you attend.

    That being said, I've noticed over the years of providing anxiety therapy that a strong relationship combined with somatic therapy approaches like Brainspotting have long-lasting effects for treating anxiety.

  • If you're having trouble sleeping, dealing with appetite changes, feeling unmotivated to spend time with people you care about, or you find yourself thinking about how anxious you are a lot of the time, anxiety therapy can help.

  • When anxiety goes untreated, it can make you isolate yourself from people. It can also make you doubt yourself, which can start to trend toward depression.

Hi! I’m Halle, your Anxiety Therapist.

I’ve been you: head filled with disasters that hadn’t even happened, heart beating out of my chest, and crying between work calls no one even knew because I looked “put together” on the outside.

Now I help other millennial professionals get their lives back from anxiety.

People who get the most out of working with me tend to be:

  • Curious about non-traditional therapy methods

  • Motivated to experiment with techniques between sessions

  • Prepared to go deep into the roots of their anxiety so they can experience long-term relief.