Online Counseling for Anxiety in Boulder, CO

I’m Halle, an Anxiety Counselor in Boulder, CO.

I work with millennial professionals who feel like a life without anxiety is out of reach (spoiler alert: it’s not!).

Take it from someone who’s been there. I used to believe that being uptight was just part of my personality. Now I know that was never the case.

It’s my goal to show other millennial professionals that a life where they feel relaxed can be theirs with some guidance. If you’re ready to stop feeling uptight and you’re ready to stop overworking to avoid your feelings, reach out to me for Anxiety Therapy so we can talk about working together.

You don’t need to be told it’s all in your head.

You can’t take another sleepless night followed by a full day of work meetings.

You need a way to process anxiety so that in the future, you can say, “I can’t believe I used to have a hard time with this!”

image of halle thomas holding their phone anxiety counseling boulder colorado

If You’re a Millennial Professional Who’s Ready To:

  • Stop picturing everything that could go wrong

  • Feel your jaw, shoulders, and stomach unclench

  • Start sleeping through the night again

  • Actually enjoy your time outside of work

  • Stop putting pressure on yourself to have it all together

The Process

  • Graphic of the number one for anxiety therapy in Boulder, CO

    Schedule Your Free Call

    We’ll chat for 10 minutes to make sure I’ll be a good fit for you.

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    Your First Session

    I ask you everything I need to know about anxiety is disrupting your life.

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    Get Your Treatment Plan

    I’ll give you a personalized plan for how we’ll be working with your anxiety.

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    Work Through the Plan

    We’ll meet weekly and work through your treatment plan together!

image of hands typing on a keyboard. anxiety counseling boulder colorado

FAQs about Anxiety Counseling in Boulder, CO

  • I meet with clients weekly for about 4-12 months. Some people find they enjoy having consistent support and choose to continue working with me beyond 12 months.

    For people who don't have the time to invest in weekly therapy, you may prefer to participate in a Brainspotting Intensive.

  • $225 per 50 minute session.

    I'm an Out-of-Network provider with insurance companies and can provide you with a superbill to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

    I'll check your Out-of-Network benefits for you during your free intro call.

  • In addition to yourself, some people find it's helpful to bring a hot cup of tea or a bottle of water to session.

    Some folks like to have a cozy blanket nearby too.

Hi! I’m Halle, an Anxiety Counselor in Boulder, CO.

I’ve been you: head filled with disasters that hadn’t even happened, heart beating out of my chest, and crying between work calls no one even knew because I looked “put together” on the outside.

Now I help other millennial professionals get their lives back from anxiety. Together, we’ll find what works for you so you can actually leave work at work and stop spending your personal time in recovery mode.